As you may know, within the last two to three weeks, DJM Studio has moved our studio classes, events, and activities to an online audio/video conferencing platform. We completed our first full week of classes last week, and I am pleased to say that the overall reaction and result in all the classes was both quite positive and successful! Of course, we recognize that there is still a learning curve and some growing pains in adapting to this current version of normal. But thank you all for a successful week, and a big BRAVO to everyone who has participated so far!
Below are bullet points of all you need to know regarding our classes, including our upcoming Spring 2 Term, Open Mics, and other upcoming events. Full details follow those bullet points follow as you scroll down the newsletter. Please read carefully, and thoroughly - the answer to your question may be closer than you realize! :)
Stay safe, take care, and thank you, as always!
-Dan Manjovi
Founder, Artistic Director
DJM Studio
Here's the latest...
Thank you,
~ DJM Studio
*Please forward this newsletter to anyone who may be interested in our studio offerings.Thank you!
A helpful website link that you may find useful:
And, a reminder to keep in mind and heart all of those who are working in difficult and stressful conditions in healthcare, food service, delivery, or in any difficult capacity. Each of these workers are our fellow citizens, neighbors, friends, and loved ones, and they deserve our gratitude, appreciation, and respect.
Spring 2 2020 Class Schedule
Monday, May 4 through Saturday, June 27 (8 weeks).
All students currently enrolled in the Spring 1 2020 Term have been automatically enrolled in the Spring 2 2020 Term. Class fees for all students enrolled in the Spring 1,2020 Term have been automatically credited toward the Spring 2 2020 Term.*
*If you are currently enrolled in any of our classes, and have not yet taken the opportunity to try our FREE online classes or tutorials, we encourage you to try to do so at earliest. Credits for class fees cannot be extended beyond the Spring 2 Term.
The 2020-2021 DJM Studio calendar has been updated on our website through Winter, 2021! Check it out here:
Private coaching sessions are also available by appointment. Until further notice, all private sessions will take place via Skype or Zoom video conferencing.
For additional course information, our teaching artist bios, and course descriptions visit
Questions? Call or email us at: [email protected], or 212-864-4131. Thank you!
Monthly Open Mic and Special Event Calendar
Hosted and accompanied by Dan Manjovi
April -June 2020
Reserve in advance, and get first preference to perform!
Our Monthly Open Mic series is a fun and exciting opportunity for singers, instrumentalists, and performers of all levels - and their friends - to perform, hear new material, and burnish performing skills in a warm, welcoming, professional performance setting. All performers of all varieties and levels are welcome!
Hosted by award-winning composer, performer and teacher, Dan Manjovi, these evenings are always fun, surprising, poignant, and exciting.
A few helpful hints (please read):
1. Performers are scheduled in the order in which they reserve their spot. Reserve your spot early, and receive first preference to perform.
2. Since this is a virtual Open Mic, singers can perform 'a cappella', or to the accompaniment of their choice.
3. As usual, monologues, brief scenes, poems, spoken word are welcome. (Must be under 5 mins in length - no exceptions!)
4. First time observers, and non-performing listerners/audience members are always welcome!
5. Reserve your spot now, and the meeting link will be sent to you by 3:00pm on Thursday, April 30.
~Spread the word and tell your friends. "If you haven't been, you haven't been!"
Annual Acting Presentation: Saturday, June 27, TBA
Annual Vocal Presentation: Sunday, June 28, TBA
Student News and Performances
Note: During this time when many live events are either cancelled or in flux, it is best to confirm any upcoming performances with either the venue or the artist directly, as DJM Studio is neither privy to, nor responsible for performance schedule changes, or cancellations. Thank you in advance.
*Please email news of your upcoming shows, performances, and events to [email protected]!
Faculty News
In Memorium:
Mark Blum, Actor, Voiceover artist, Teacher
Alex Layne, Bassist
Frank Reale, Educator,Teacher, DJM Studio member
John Prine, Singer, Songwriter
©2020 DJM Studio. Photos by Steve Singer. Web Design by Stephen Gilewski Design.